Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dog farting and a few solutions

For us dog lovers, there's no better testament to our love than dog farts. Dog's don't excuse themselves, nor are they conscious of our dislike for their smells, they just fart and can often throw "silent but deadly" ones. Ever had your dog fart while you where already tucked in bed and decided to stay there instead of leaving the room? That's got to be true love!

Dr. Hamilton from Wag Reflex posted a few solutions to dog farting:
  • Avoid treats such as fruit, legumes or dairy.
  • Take your dog to a 30 min walk so she can poop (and stop farting with that)
  • If you have a flat faced dog, they tend to fart more, but seems that the only solution to that is surgery (woa!).

I think I'll go for the Dogone Fart Neutralizing Thong. It's just $19.99, though I can't find how long you have to use it before you need another one.

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